
New Church to Join Community

Mariners South Coast Church will mark the development of its new Rock Harbor Church with a celebration service at 5:45 p.m. Sunday at Mariners Christian School. A sandwich buffet will be offered at 4:30 p.m., followed by a sundae bar dessert at 7. Rock Harbor will begin meeting weekly in Costa Mesa on Oct. 5. The school is at 300 Fischer Ave., Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 854-7030, Ext. 319.

Orange County Religion Notes is published on Saturdays. Send the item at least two weeks before the event to Orange County Religion Notes, The Times, 1375 Sunflower Ave., Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Telephone calls cannot be accepted. Because of space limitations, The Times cannot guarantee that all notices will be published. Items must include subject, telephone number, event date, time and exact address.
