
Holiday Program to Benefit Teens

Spouses of current and former Moorpark City Council members want to make sure underprivileged teens are not neglected this holiday season.

So for the third consecutive year, they have organized “Catch a Star,” a program to collect and distribute presents to older children in need.

“Toys for Tots already takes care of the younger ones, but no one remembers the teens,” said Tricia Montgomery, the program organizer and wife of former Councilman Scott Montgomery.


The group has set up a large plywood star in the Lucky grocery store across from Moorpark High. Surrounding it are smaller stars, with a teen’s wish list written on each. Residents or organizations can pluck the star, purchase those presents and deliver them to a designated storage site.

The group hopes to gather all the presents by the end of this month and begin the distribution the second week of December.

For more information, call Tricia Montgomery at 529-6992.
