
A Shot in the (Kid’s) Arm

Kids enjoy shots about as much as adults do, but they’re slightly noisier in registering their dissatisfaction. Much of the trouble for kids can be the mystery of the immunization process. A new book called “The Germ Patrol: All About Shots for Tots . . . and Big Kids, Too!” may ease natural fears about the dreaded needle. The book, which is due out Thursday as a tie-in to National Immunization Week, humorously explains to kids how shots work. The $14.95 book may not stop any tears, but at least it will help kids understand the need for shots. For more information, call (504) 469-5529.

Child’s Play

Kids can sleep anywhere and in almost any position. But some parents and kids got together to give youngsters a little comfort while dozing off in the car with a product called “KidszzzNapper” Travel Pillow. The multicolored travel pillows are meant as an alternative on car trips to the improvised headrest of a rolled-up jacket or towel. The pillows come with a Velcro strap that easily attaches to shoulder harnesses and holds the pillow in place. And when kids aren’t sleeping with the pillows, they can fight with them at the nearest rest stop. For more information, visit their Web site

Preboarding With Pre-Baby

Flying for pregnant women can be about as much fun as a barrel full of monkeys . . . from hell! But the summer ’98 issue of Fit Pregnancy offers these travel tips for moms-to-be: Reserve the aisle seat, it’s better for legroom and provides easier access to the bathroom; wear the seat belt low, under the abdomen; walk around the plane to improve circulation; and stay hydrated by drinking at least 8 ounces of noncarbonated water or juice every hour. Also, try to plan your trip so you won’t go into labor at 30,000 feet.


Why I Don’t Use My Home Gym

About half of American households own at least one piece of exercise equipment, according to a new study by the Fitness Products Council. The council, which is made up of about 185 companies that manufacture and distribute fitness equipment, also found that about one-third of those with equipment don’t use it. The No. 1 reason, which apparently didn’t spring to mind when purchasing the exercise gadget, was “don’t like exercising by myself / boring.” Obviously, these people didn’t consult the Psychic Friends Network before their purchase.
