
Grant to Help Finish Renovation of Pool

Santa Paula’s only community swimming pool, in disrepair and sometimes even closed down in recent years, will finally get the finishing touches of a long-needed face lift, thanks to a $35,000 grant from the Weingart Foundation.

The grant was made to the Ventura Family YMCA, which took over the pool’s operation and renovation in 1995.

Built in 1950, the pool is on the grounds of Santa Paula High School.

“This is more than exciting,” Ventura Family YMCA Executive Director Mark Dengler said of the grant.


The YMCA sponsors swimming lessons, fitness classes and recreational swimming at the public pool.

In recent years the restoration had begun, using $325,000 raised through a partnership of the YMCA, Santa Paula’s school districts, the city of Santa Paula and Ventura College. The pool was reopened in 1995.

“But this is the boost the pool really needed to truly serve Santa Paula,” Dengler said.

After further renovations, a youth swim team, aquatics and physical education classes, competitive swimming and water polo programs will be added to Santa Paula High School’s programs.


Once restoration is complete, operating costs will be shared by the Santa Paula Union High School District and the Ventura YMCA.
