
Liberal Legislature Forces Initiatives

Re “Legislature Should Follow Voter Will,” by John A. Seleck (Letters, June 28):

It is unfortunate that the people of California have had to resort to the initiative and referendum process in order to create and enforce meaningful legislation.

In a Legislature controlled by liberals, there is little leeway allowed for the myriad pieces of good legislation that are introduced each year. Conservative members with legitimate legislation drafted in response to the will of the people have little chance in the state Legislature.

Two deep-reaching actions on the part of Californians should be noted: the passage of three strikes and term limits.


Legislators attempted numerous times to enact three-strike and term-limit measures, but liberals thwarted every attempt. Because the Democrat-controlled Legislature failed to pass legislation, the voters used the initiative process to accomplish the task at hand.

Californians have resorted to the initiative process partly in response to the liberal control in the Capitol. If enacting laws of merit in California and changing how the state is run are truly our priorities, then the voting public will be more careful about whom we elect.

Until then, we can expect more of the same--political battles over good legislation, leading to the voters doing the jobs of the elected officials once again.



Assemblyman, 69th District

R-Santa Ana
