
Highlights Today at the Orange County Fair

Hours are 10 a.m. to midnight

SECURE HORIZONS AND GET UP & GO SENIORS DAY--Seniors ages 55 and older are admitted for $3 and receive free Ferris wheel and merry-go-round rides.

10 RIDES FOR $10--Buy a special wristband and get 10 rides for $10. Valid any Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, opening until close, for rides in the major and kiddie midways. Good for all ages. Does not include gate admission.

All-day events

* Creations in Clay presented by O.C. Polymer Clay Guild

* Tailoring Tole for Every Home presented by O.C. Tole & Decorative Painters

* Warm, Worldly, Whimsical Woodcarving presented by California Woodcarver’s Guild

* Dairy goats and dairy cattle on display

* Small animals on display

10 a.m.

* Sock Hop

* Third-World Hand Arts/Crafts From Around the World (until 7 p.m.)

* Patch Program “Discover the Fair” Scavenger Hunt (until 7 p.m.)

* All American Boys Chorus

10:15 a.m.

* Clown Show

11 a.m.

* Yarn Spinning

* Oasis Senior Ukulele Jam Session

* Rambling Rouges (music)


* Grease Lightning Marble Shoot

* Senior Line Dancing

* Huntington Westminster Kitchen Band

1 p.m.

* Magic Show

* Senior Fashion Show

* Clown Show

* Senior Golden Wedding Ceremony

1:30 p.m.

* All Alaskan Racing Pigs

2 p.m.

* Pink Grapefruit Bowling Competition sponsored by Hometown Buffet

* Russell Bros. Circus

* Junior Dairy Goat Showmanship (until 5:30 p.m.)

* Clumps Contest

* Pink Pearl Eraser Stacking Contest

2:30 p.m.

* Magic Show

3 p.m.

* Heard the Sheep Contest

3:30 p.m.

* All Alaskan Racing Pigs

* Rubber Stamping with Jayne Barnhart

4 p.m.

* Magic Show

* Russell Bros. Circus

* T-Birds Putt-Off Contest

* Greased Lightning Marble Shoot

4:30 p.m.

* Gone Fishin’ (fish entrees) presented by Jan Mongell

5 p.m.

* Cherry Lemonade Drinking Contest

* Marcille Block, gospel jazz

5:30 p.m.

* All Alaskan Racing Pigs

6 p.m.

* Magic Show

* Barnyard Fashion Parade (until 8:30 p.m.)

* Hula Rama

6:30 p.m.

* Hypnotist Mark Yuzuik

* Clown Show

7 p.m.

* David Gates

* Zoot Suit Fashion Show presented by Zoot Suits in Fullerton

* Russell Bros. Circus

* Marcille Block, gospel jazz

7:10 p.m.

* Swing dance lessons with Audrey Wilson

7:30 p.m.

* Swingtime with Johnny Pink and the Big Shots

* Magic Show

* All Alaskan Racing Pigs

* Dr. Feelgood & the Interns of Love

8 p.m.

* Flying “U” Championship Rodeo

* Vocalist Johnny Rhondo

8:15 p.m.

* Touch of Class

8:30 p.m.

* Hypnotist Mark Yuzuik

9 p.m.

* David Gates

* Swingtime Dance Contest with music by Johnny Pink and the Big Shots

* Magic Show

9:30 p.m.

* Dr. Feelgood & the Interns of Love

10 p.m.

* Touch of Class


1 p.m.--Just a Cotton Pickin’ Minute! Contest

7 and 9 p.m.--Jan & Dean

8 p.m.--Flying “U” Championship Rodeo

Source: Orange County Fair & Exposition Center
