
Rand McNally Topo Map Hits the Road

Rand McNally has issued its first road atlas showing mountains and other topographic relief--just a few months after National Geographic debuted what it claimed was the first nationwide atlas with such features.

Like Geographic’s atlas, the Rand McNally version has a spiral binding, a heavy-duty cover and costs $14.95. But it adds Web sites and toll-free phones for tourism offices, hotel chains and other sources. Chief cartographer Michael Dobson said Rand McNally had been considering such an atlas for several years, but the Geographic version “made us want to get our product out as quickly as we could.”

The new atlas is called the Rand McNally Road Atlas Deluxe Edition. The company still produces its regular Road Atlas ($9.95) and a Deluxe Road Atlas ($13.95; essentially the regular atlas with a plastic cover). Information: tel. (800) 333-0134, Ext. 4771.
