
Job Fair Expected to Attract 60 Employers

Representatives from more than 60 Valley businesses and government agencies will be on hand Friday as the North Valley Occupational Center hosts a free community job fair and open house.

The center trains adults and selected minors for jobs in the San Fernando Valley where employers have noted a shortage.

The job fair and open house will be held between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. at 11450 Sharp Ave., Mission Hills.


The job fair will feature free workshops on interviewing and job preparation techniques.

Among the employers attending will be the Bank of America, Circuit City, United Parcel Service and representatives from the city and the county of Los Angeles.

In addition, the center will open its classrooms to give prospective students a look at some of the programs being offered.

The center, operated by the Los Angeles Unified School District’s Division of Adult and Career Education, is open year round.
