
He’s Not That Pleased With the Local Scene

To misquote Rex Whatsizname in “My Fair Lady,” “I’m just an ordinary man . . . but let a woman in my life!”

Believe me, I applaud any effort to lift the literary tone of sports journalism. But even political correctness can go too far. Don’t you think that at least occasionally these enormous columns by Diane Pucin should have something to do with . . . gulp, I hate to say it . . . sports?

And the writing! Redbook would be ashamed to print this goo. If they did, they’d edit it down by half. Last Saturday’s teary tribute to some unknown gymnast was longer than a Hemingway short story.


Saturday’s column was bad enough, but even Reader’s Digest would have rejected Sunday’s column about Al and Mary Joyner as too smarmy for their readers. While “Al is putting his long arm around Mary’s thin shoulders” to take her home, let’s hope he takes Diane along. Leave my sports page alone.

HOYT FOUCAULT, Corona del Mar
