
TV Smarts

Some broadcast and cable programs contain material included in the public school curriculum and on standardized examinations. Here are weekend home-viewing tips:

* Today--”20th Century With Mike Wallace” (HIST, 4-5 p.m.) A documentary about efforts during the first Clinton administration to establish a national health insurance program. (Sunday at 9 p.m., Bravo airs a report on some possible consequences of the failure of those efforts.) VCR+14798. Also, “Human Guinea Pigs” (KCBS, 10-11 p.m.) A documentary about abuses of human test subjects in experiments at several locations in the U.S. (filmed before last week’s announcement of a congressional investigation into human experiments at the West Los Angeles Veteran’s Hospital). VCR+4408.

* Friday--”Sports Technology: Equipment” (HIST, 8-9 p.m.) Even after the best sports training, there is still a role for technology, this episode of the “Modern Marvels” series explains. Shoes, football gear, radar-enhanced baseballs and virtual-reality stadiums are discussed. VCR+95731


* Saturday--”Searching for the Origins of Life” (A & E, 9-10 a.m.) A documentary about microbiological research on the extreme temperature and chemical conditions on Earth when living organisms first appeared. The conditions may have also existed on Mars. NASA’s planned Mars mission may yield samples to compare with material found in Yellowstone Park’s hot springs. VCR+428039. Also, “The Team That Restored Angel’s Flight” (CITY, noon-12:30 p.m. repeating 4-4:30 p.m.) After describing the destruction of Los Angeles’ historical landmarks, such as the Pan Pacific Auditorium and the Bunker Hill mansions, this documentary chronicles the rescue, repair and reopening of the 100-year-old Angel’s Flight funicular railroad downtown. VCR+18749. Also, “Hamlet” (TMC, 1:30-5:30 p.m.) Something by or about Shakespeare is available for study on TV almost every day of the week. Today it’s Kenneth Branagh’s excellent movie interpretation of the play about a vacillating Danish prince. VCR+61598213.

* Sunday--”Viet Nam: A Television History” (KCET, 1-7 p.m.) This rebroadcast of the initial six episodes of the prize-winning documentary begins with “Roots of War.” It concludes with “The End of the Tunnel” April 18, which reveals similarities and differences between then and now for study in current-events classes. Also, “Michael Moore’s the Awful Truth” (Bravo 9-9:30 p.m.) In this premiere episode of a weekly documentary series by the award-winning director of the film “Roger & Me,” Moore plans a funeral for the father of a 4-year-old and invites the CEO of the Humana Health Maintenance Organization. The father will soon die because Humana has denied coverage for a pancreas transplant. In another part of the program, Moore organizes a witch hunt with the help of costumed Puritans.

Compiled by Richard Kahlenberg in consultation with Crystal J. Gips, associate director for teacher education, Cal State University. Columns available at
