
Beef Hormones

Re “U.S., Europe Lock Horns in Beef Hormone Debate,” April 9: Bravo! to Dr. Samuel Epstein. Adding even “natural” hormones in amounts that cannot be detected is not synonymous with safe. In humans, steroid hormones have significant influence in energy metabolism, often causing profound risk. Steroid abusers and those who take steroids for medical purposes are known to suffer higher risk of cardiovascular disease, insulin resistance that can lead to diabetes, infertility, osteoporosis and more. It is not difficult to surmise that similar metabolic disturbances probably happen with animals.

Proponents for using hormones are both naive and arrogant. They can’t prove there is no risk, argue that because these hormones are already present in the animals they are safe and expect Americans to accept the argument that this is merely a trade issue. For a few dollars, stop messing with the food supply.


Registered Dietitian

Santa Monica
