
Prenatal Aid

The headline “State OKs Prenatal Aid for Immigrants” (July 27) is misleading; it is for illegal immigrants. I’m confused as to why the government is trying to gain interest in socialized medical care. With the signing of a bill by Gov. Gray Davis authorizing state-funded prenatal care, all you have to do is be an illegal immigrant in California and health care is free. And as a business owner I pay for my legal employees. Go figure.




Davis and his Democrat-controlled Legislature in Sacramento have stealthily authorized funds for prenatal care for illegal immigrants, contrary to the wishes of the majority of state voters, who approved Prop. 187.

A rationale for this action is that it will help assure healthy babies will be born who will automatically be U.S. citizens. This is the governor and the party who support a prenatal procedure called abortion, which kills babies who would also be U.S. citizens if they were allowed to be born.


What baldfaced hypocrisy!


Paso Robles
