
Owens Lake

Re “Accord Ends Bitter Owens Valley Dispute--but Will Dust Settle?” Aug. 18: When Los Angeles caused Owens Lake to dry in the 1920s, not only was a dust health hazard created but a valuable wildlife resource was nearly destroyed. Even today Owens Lake is more than merely a “barren lake bed.” A string of small wetlands lines its margins where thousands of shorebirds feast on brine flies during their migration between the arctic and Central and South America.

Please remember that Owens Lake is not dead and that dust is not the only issue. The people of California lost a public trust resource (wildlife) when the lake was dried; through the “dust cure” of shallow flooding it is hoped that some of this precious resource will return. Californians will rely on the state Lands Commission and the Department of Fish and Game as well as vigilant citizens to ensure that the birds as well as the dust will soon settle on Owens Lake.


Eastern Sierra Audubon Society

Lone Pine
