
O.C. Supervisors’ Chairman Vote

I’m “represented” by Supervisor Charles V. Smith. He is against televised board meetings, as is Supervisor Jim Silva. So strike one for keeping his constituents uninformed.

He has sent no mail to inform his constituents since his election: strike two. The last time I received any literature from Smith was when I was inundated with his campaign literature and that of his opponent, Mark Leyes. The mail from both candidates indicated little difference, including the relentless endorsement of an airport at El Toro.

Strike three is the audacity of Smith, with all his support from the moneyed Newport Beach power brokers to say that Supervisor Tom Wilson, if elected board chairman, “would be under a tremendous amount of pressure by anti-airport people.”


Smith sought and won the position of chairman of the board, defying the precedent of the vice chairman, Wilson, assuming that position. How pathetic for Supervisors Silva and Coad to join Smith in demeaning their position.

The “anti-airport people” Smith mentions are senior citizens, young families, teachers, police and fire personnel, plus countless others who come into our Central and North County communities every day to work. The villains aren’t in South County. Look closer to home.

FRAN STARLING, Fountain Valley


Supervisor Tom Wilson’s comment, “It’s a sad day for all of Orange County. The El Toro virus has infected internal board politics,” is absolutely laughable (Jan. 6).


Does he think the public is so stupid we are not aware of the fact that virus hit the board long ago and he was one of the prime carriers? Supervisor Charles Smith’s comment, on the other hand, was forthright and honest, saying Wilson “would be under a tremendous amount of pressure by anti-airport people.”

Wilson is nothing more than a puppet for South County interests and he proved his inability to make independent decisions regarding El Toro airport long ago.

K.P. MOVER, Costa Mesa
