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Instead of wheels, all cars will have some sort of mechanism that will make them float through the air without touching the floor.

Isabel Dominguez, 17,

Anaheim High

Moving sidewalks, anti-gravity devices, vacation trips to the moon.

--Casey Scogin, 17,

Western High

Mutated flies growing in excess to take over the world. Frogs would be a popular pet in order to maintain stability.

--Joseph Tran, 18,

Santiago High

In the ‘60s it was said that “the world is going to hell.” If we do not change society and regain the standards of the pre-1960s, the world will go to hell. It is impossible to survive without the basic respect for human life.


--Jaime DiDio, 18,

Rosary High

I think everything will become lazier. Everything that’s now done manually will become computerized. Pretty soon, humans will become totally dependent on technology.

--Kristin Noguera, 18,

Rosary High
