
White House Invites Academic Champs

The White House invited Moorpark High School’s academic decathletes to attend a ceremony on the South Lawn on June 8, U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer of California announced Monday.

The students, who won the national finals of the Academic Decathlon last month in Fullerton, will visit Washington, D.C., June 6-9.

The squad learned of the invitation to the White House on Friday, and details were announced Monday.


In addition to the ceremony, the students will tour the Capitol, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial and several museums. Northwest Airlines offered free tickets, and Target Stores donated $5,000 for expenses, Academic Decathlon Coach Larry Jones said.

After the team’s win, Boxer and Rep. Elton Gallegly (R-Simi Valley) wrote to the White House to request an invitation for the students. However, they will not be able to tour the White House because of a coinciding visit by the president of Hungary.
