
Source of Emmy Star Power Lies in Wallet, Not the Name

I must make a correction to Adam Carl’s Counterpunch piece on Emmy nominations (“Emmys Make It Tough to Make a Name,” Aug. 7). I am a member of the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences. The performer’s nominating ballot is only sent to members of the Performers Peer Group within the academy. Only actors can vote for actors.

The ballot was preceded by a deluge of tapes of performers seeking nomination. Carl is right in saying that it is only the “star names” tapes that get to the nominators, because it is only the stars, the show producers or the networks that can afford the cost of sending the tapes to the approximately 1,000 members of the Performers Peer Group.


Santa Monica


What? Beah Richards not a celebrity? Where have you been, Adam Carl?

She is undoubtedly one of the most celebrated and gifted artists in the industry, and is one of the only actors of color to be nominated for an Academy Award (for best supporting actress as the mother of Sidney Poitier’s character in “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner”). Maybe not everyone knows her name, but everyone recognizes her regal presence and the richness of her voice. I dare anyone to see her guest appearance on “The Practice” this year, or any of her performances on “ER” several years ago, and not be moved by the depth and eloquence of her artistry. She is truly a national treasure.


As a friend of the late, great C. Bernard Jackson and a member of Inner City Cultural Center, I was privileged and honored to be in her company on a number of occasions. If Miss Richards is not a celebrity, there is no such thing!


San Fernando
