
A. Reynolds Morse; Founder of Dali Museum

A. Reynolds Morse, 85, founder of the Salvador Dali Museum in St. Petersburg, Fla. A plastics machinery entrepreneur from Cleveland, Morse spent most of his life gathering one of the world’s largest collections of Dali’s surrealist works. Now valued at about $150 million, the collection includes 94 of the artist’s oil paintings. The museum had its beginnings in 1971 as an addition to Morse’s business in Beachwood, Ohio. Morse opened the St. Petersburg museum, which draws 250,000 visitors a year, in 1982. Born in Denver, Morse graduated from Harvard Business School and worked in his family’s heavy machinery business. He later started a plastics firm called Injection Molding Supply Co. He died Tuesday at a nursing facility near St. Petersburg, after a lengthy illness.
