
No Gore Inquiry

* Re “Republicans Attack Reno’s Rejection of Gore Inquiry,” Aug. 24: Well, it looks like Atty. Gen. Janet Reno is just another lawyer who likes to play with definitions. I would think “fund-raiser” would not be hard to define, but like her boss Bill Clinton, the darn words are just so “ambiguous.” Al Gore wasn’t trying to raise funds though he says the intention of the White House coffees “would create a warmer, friendlier relationship” and then that person might “want to support the [Democratic National Committee].” That certainly isn’t a fund-raiser by anyone’s definition, is it? And she’s certain that “politics will be hurled around [her] head.” She’s going to “duck” them, she says. I don’t think so.

Now we know why Reno was selected for her post; she does what every good secretary is supposed to do--guard the bosses at all cost. This has cost her her own credibility.


San Juan Capistrano


Once again the often-maligned Reno has made a courageous decision, this time to not endorse the get-Gore strategy by his political enemies. The Republicans’ relentless harassment of Clinton and Gore, with investigations ad nauseam, has exposed them for what they are--hypocrites.


The American public has been wrung dry by them and their minions, who have exploited minutiae and wasted millions of taxpayers dollars for years, ostensibly in pursuit of “justice” by pinning puny wrongdoing accusations on the president and vice president. Give us all a bleeping break, and get a life. Most people are wise to their ploys, and will repudiate this crowd with a vengeance at the polls in November.


Garden Grove
