
Laguna Beach Must Forfeit 9 Victories

The Southern Section ruled Thursday that Laguna Beach, challenging for the boys’ basketball title in the Pacific Coast League, must forfeit nine victories, including three league wins, for using an ineligible player.

Chris Manker, a 6-foot-10 center who began the school year at Valley High in West Des Moines, Iowa, played 11 games with the Artists from Dec. 17 to Jan. 19. His father, Steve, told Laguna Beach officials he was getting a divorce and had moved into the Laguna Beach attendance area with his son.

However, a section spokesman said complaints by league coaches sparked an inquiry by the section, which determined that Laguna Beach had not done a thorough job of documenting the case.


Section rules prohibit students from participating on athletic teams if, after establishing residency elsewhere, they move for the express purpose of being eligible to play sports. The rules also prohibit athletes from being eligible if they move with a single parent without proof of a legal separation from the other parent.

The spokesman said the section is now satisfied that Manker’s paperwork is in order and he is eligible to play in Laguna Beach’s game tonight at Estancia.

Laguna Beach’s record drops to 3-17 and 0-4 in league.
