
Mideast Violence

It is most disappointing to read of my Muslim brothers wasting their energy on the desecration of a Jewish shrine (Oct. 3), a dishonorable vehicle for the ventilation of so much pent-up frustration, to be sure. While on the subject of dishonor, what must it feel like to be an Israeli soldier training his rifle on a 12-year-old boy cowering beside his father? What would it be like to be that same soldier who then, along with his countrymen, empties round after round of live ammunition into a crowd of youths armed with little more than rocks and bottles?

While the several dozen Jews displaced from their yeshiva find a new place to study and pray, the families of 80 Palestinians will be burying their dead.


Long Beach

* The Israeli/Palestinian peace-process situation is akin to inserting a square peg into a round hole. It’s simply not going to happen.



Huntington Beach
