
Keep Cats Indoors for Safety

* Re: “Killing of 2 Cats Rattles Neighbor” (Aug. 24):

Cats can and should be taught to be happy, healthy indoor pets. Whether in apartments, single dwellings or mobile homes, they will be healthier and safer.

People not wanting to train them should not have them. Cats should wear identification, nothing stiff and uncomfortable, and not flea collars. Treat the carpet, not the cats. Unwanted cats are sometimes dumped in mobile home parks by people too uncaring to have them neutered and too lazy to find good homes.

The human race is nothing to brag about when it comes to animal treatment.


Huntington Beach

* Another outbreak of cat killings, this time by pellet gun in Dana Point.

Cat owners must accept the fact that the only way to keep their pets safe is to keep them indoors.


The outdoor cat is inevitably going to fall prey to what animal activists refer to as “the four Cs”: other cats, cars, coyotes and creeps.

And if that lethal mix isn’t sufficient inducement to people to keep their cats indoors, here’s a plus: By keeping the cat in, you effectively keep the fleas out.



Orange County Society

for the Prevention

of Cruelty to Animals
