
Car Rental Rates

The costliest place to rent a car? The answer may surprise you: Cleveland, where high taxi fares may be a factor, says Runzheimer International. The top and bottom 10 daily rates among 100 U.S. cities surveyed:

10 Most Expensive Cities*

1. Cleveland: $86.50

2. New York: $85.50

3. Newark, N.J.: $85.00

4. Youngstown, Ohio: $84.50

5. Houston: $81.50

6. Raleigh, N.C.: $81.00

7. Charlotte, N.C.: $80.50

8. St. Louis, Mo.: $79.50

9. Atlanta: $79.50

10. Chicago: $79.00


10 Least Expensive Cities*

1. Honolulu: $41.00

2. Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.: $42.50

3. Sioux Falls, S.D.: $44.00

4. Cheyenne, Wyo.: $45.00

5. Manchester, N.H.: $45.00

6. Spokane, Wash.: $46.00

7. Norfolk, Va.: $47.00

8. Anchorage: $47.50

9. Albuquerque: $50.00

10. Fargo, N.D.:$51.00

*Note: Average non-discounted, unlimited-mileage rate charged by major companies for a one-day rental of an intermediate-size car; taxes, fuel, optional insurance and other fees not included.

Source: “Runzheimer Guide to Daily Travel Prices”
