
Arafat’s Role in Mideast Terrorism

Re “Bomb Kills 16 at Jerusalem Pizzeria,” Aug. 10: Either Yasser Arafat can or cannot stop Palestinian terrorism. If he can and does not, it seems to me that Israel can only continue to respond until he does. If he cannot, Israel has no one to deal with and can only continue to respond until it finds someone who can. Further, every criminal investigation requires a motive. The question is what motive does Israel have to continue on the present course? Conversely, what motive does Arafat have to continue on the present course? The reader can make up his or her own mind.

Arthur Yuwiler

Woodland Hills

How to create terrorists: 1) Send your soldiers to any Palestinian home at 3:30 a.m.; 2) knock down the front door or, better yet, blast it open with plenty of firepower; 3) inform the terrified family that you are taking over their top floor, which was about to be occupied by their newly married son and his bride; 4) add insult to injury by planting the Israeli flag on top of their house, to indicate that it is now “occupied territory.” There, you just created a few more instant “terrorists.” Nothing to it . . . and Israel does it best.

Nabil Saaty

San Pedro
