
Long May It Live

I was delighted to read a positive article on “Six Feet Under,” yet I feel Mimi Avins did the show some disservice (“It’s More Than Death,” Aug. 18).

By saying “Touched by an Angel” fans are tuning in, she inadvertently made it sound like not much more than a dysfunctional “Little House on the Prairie.” While character development and family dynamics are certainly central components, otherwise potential viewers might not tune in and thereby miss its intelligence and the wonderful black humor inherent in every episode.

“Six Feet Under” is intelligently conceived and beautifully crafted. I eagerly await the second season.



North Hollywood

I was glad to see “Six Feet Under” receive the praise it deserves. However, as Avins shoveled superlatives all over a single cast member, I couldn’t help but wonder if the rest of the ensemble got dirt in their eyes. While Peter Krause is indeed a brilliantly subtle actor, she essentially eulogizes the rest of the cast by ignoring them. The strength of this show is its brilliantly subtle ensemble.

Furthermore, Avins embalms Lauren Ambrose as “a bundle of adolescent agony wrapped in baby fat.” Was that supposed to be a compliment? I can only pray she did not bury the self-esteem of this clever young actress. Hollywood, unlike Fisher & Sons Funeral Home, confirms that its only concern is the shell of a human being.


Los Angeles
