
The Line Forms Here for Fans’ Responses

Mark Rees of J.D. Power and Associates informed us last week that the average time spent in food lines at Dodger Stadium has decreased 20% from last season. And how did they determine this? They tallied mailed-in survey responses.

So my average wait has gone from 45 minutes to 36. This is no more acceptable than the Dodgers decreasing their margin of loss from five runs to four.

Wouldn’t it have been more direct, accurate and inexpensive to send a couple of their highly paid executives to the food lines equipped with a timing device. An hourglass should be sufficient.


Dave L. Londe

Simi Valley


What a spinmeister!

Mark Rees states that fans are more satisfied this season with the run of things than in either of the past three seasons. Unfortunately, he doesn’t divulge exact details.

For all we know, the survey’s results of those standing in line inning after inning could have improved from thoughts of homicide of Dodger concession workers to mere possible thoughts of said homicide. Yes, the survey would show improvement, but the fans still hate the process that they are being put through.

Steve Smith

San Gabriel
