
Marine Refuges Place Fishermen on the Hook

Republican Assemblyman Tom Harman is correct in his opinion about wearing your fishing license above the belt (Aug. 21). I am an avid saltwater recreational fisherman, and I must show my license before I can board my favorite fishing vessel. After that it goes into my tackle box.

The sale of fishing licenses has decreased in the past few years. If Harman were a saltwater fisherman he wouldn’t be worrying about where he has to wear his license. He’d be more concerned about the proposed marine refuges that are planned. If the Fish and Game Commission implements these refuges and reserves, a good majority of prime saltwater fishing areas will be closed.

What does that mean? People who go fishing on the half-and three-quarter-day boats won’t be going fishing. They won’t have the areas to fish in. Which only means loss of license revenue, fewer people fishing and, hence, no people fishing, no jobs, no tackle being sold. Mr. Harman, help stop the closures.


William E. Blake

La Puente
