
The ‘Ill-Mannered’ Crowd

There is only one solution to the chronically rude who flake on their social commitments (“Unburdened by Manners,” by Martin Booe, Nov. 26). The death penalty. Harsh? Hardly. There are simply too many people living in Southern California and it’s time we start thinning the herd. I can think of no better place to start than with those inconsiderate louts who cannot honor their word. Let’s RSVP them a date with the Grim Reaper.

Rich Siegel

Culver City


Why don’t people hold their no-shows accountable by calling them and asking, “What happened? We were expecting you.” Anyone who lamely submits a non-excuse, such as “I had to go to the movies,” should be told, quite plainly, how rude and inconsiderate such behavior is. If they lack the courage to do that, the jilted hosts are simply playing the social game as willing victims.

Treacy Colbert

Long Beach


There is yet another type of flake: the “gotta-go” flake. These guests show up precisely on time because they have somewhere else to be in an hour.


Tamar Andrews

Los Angeles


I have learned that whatever the expanding, ill-mannered crowd lacks in intelligence, they more than make up for in stupidity.

Michael Levine

Los Angeles
