
Statue May Require an Extra $200,000

The funds have been raised and plans are being drawn up, but it looks like even more money will be needed to complete the Vietnam War Memorial project.

“There’s no doubt about it,” Councilman Frank Fry Jr. said.

Community members raised $500,000 to pay for a bronze statue of American and Vietnamese soldiers to be installed on Monroe Street, across from the Civic Center.

But now, with the focus on designs for the site, about $200,000 more may be needed for work on the surrounding landscape and maintenance of a computerized kiosk. Craig Mandeville, a Vietnam War veteran and memorial committee member, said the kiosk will feature the names of more than 200,000 American, South Vietnamese and other veterans.


Joey G. Nguyen, a member of the committee, said he hopes to schedule a blessing or groundbreaking ceremony within a few weeks to help restart fund-raising efforts and “so people know it’s a reality,” he said.

Mandeville said the group is asking organizers of the upcoming local Tet festival to include a blessing event or groundbreaking in their lunar New Year celebration. Meanwhile, Mandeville plans to solicit corporations and other businesses outside Westminster for the additional funds. Fund-raising efforts have primarily relied on individuals before, he said.

“We have enough money to build what we promised,” Mandeville said.

Council members will discuss on Wednesday the technical aspects of proposed site plans during their regular meeting at 7 p.m. in council chambers at the Civic Center, 8200 Westminster Blvd. And project leaders and city staff will consider bids for the landscape and kiosk work over the next few weeks.
