
Fur Flies Over Effort to Exterminate Rabbits

Re “Rabbit Lovers Rise to the Bait,” June 27:

Everything is about us. We are all that matter. Nothing else counts. This is what I see when I read horrific stories such as the one about poisoning rabbits in Laguna Woods.

When people choose to kill something because they perceive it to be a problem, it conveys a deep-seated ignorance about how our actions affect everything around us. There is no rabbit problem in Laguna Woods--there is a people problem. There are no animal problems anywhere else, either. All these perceived animal problems are, in fact, people problems.

Nature has an innate genius. Left to itself, nature is a perfect system. As soon as humans step in, all bets are off. We upset the balance of nature wherever we go. To have the temerity to kill a creature because we have set things in motion that have disrupted the balance of its existence is unconscionable, immoral and cruel. But in most cases it is legal.


We must stop “solving” problems by killing them. People drove out the coyotes and the other elements of nature that kept the rabbit population in balance. Now they complain that the rabbits are eating the flowers? Give me a break.

Laurra Maddock

Laguna Niguel


It is as if Orange County hasn’t done enough to damage the environment and wildlife here. Now they are poisoning these rabbits for the sake of the appearance of a few flower beds. I’m glad to see residents taking matters into their own hands.

Susan Dravo

Fountain Valley


Regarding the Rabbit Rabble in Laguna Woods who steal the boxes set out to control these pests: Are they aware they are breaking the law by trespassing and theft on private property?


Obviously, these scofflaws have not had to clean up the constant filth or experience the devastation these animals create. Furthermore, wild rabbits carry insect vectors that can infect pets and humans with tularemia (rabbit fever).

What’s next for these fanatics--”Save the Roof Rats”? We have boxes for them too.

Bettie Brand

Laguna Wood s
