

Polling place hours: 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Number of polling places: 2,185

To locate your polling place: Call the city clerk’s office at (213) 485-3581 or toll-free at (888) 873-1000. You can also sign on to the city clerk’s Web site at On left side of screen, click on: Where Do I Vote?

Absentee ballots: Can be delivered on election day to any open polling place. To find the location of a polling place call the toll-free number above. Absentee ballots returned by mail must be received at the city clerk’s office no later than 8 p.m. Tuesday.

Voting in person before election: At city clerk’s office, 700 E. Temple St., B-23, Los Angeles, on Monday.


Newly registered voters: Should have received a postcard confirming their registration and showing the location of their polling place. Contact city clerk’s office for more information.

Sample ballots: Available online at clerk’s office Web site shown above. Click on: What Am I Voting On?

Polling place problems: Contact city clerk at (888) 873-1000 or (213) 485-3581.
