
Repay Europe’s Scorn With Troop Withdrawal

Re “Swedes Bare Scorn in Street Theater Mockery of Bush,” June 15: Socialists in Europe rudely express their hatred for America by “mooning” President Bush. Let us remember that American lives saved Europeans from endlessly killing each other in the 20th century wars. America still has troops in Europe to prevent numerous European ethnic groups from attacking and attempting to destroy one another. It is time to bring our American troops home. Let’s get the United States out of Europe for good and let Europeans go back to push-and-shove diplomacy, pogroms, instantaneous (summary) executions, inter-ethnic wars and all the other nauseating activities that they have engaged in century after century.

Charles Jenner

Los Alamitos

Now that the Europeans have shown us the source of their deep-seated intellect, they can pull up their pants.

Betty Wiede

Los Angeles

Bush keeps reminding us that the Cold War is over and we are living in a new century (“Bush to Stress Peace to Putin,” June 16). Yet his retro administration, which is made up of Cold Warriors, would abrogate the ABM treaty. This in turn could provoke a new arms race. What century is Bush living in?


Nan Lewis

Los Angeles
