
Schools’ Ban on Groups Is a ‘Shameful Action’

Re “Schools Ban Meetings of Service Clubs,” June 15:

The action by the Saddleback Valley Unified School District to limit all extracurricular student organizations in order to avoid endorsing a Christian student group, appears to be a genuine case of “throwing the baby out with the bathwater.”

This shameful action represents another case of punishing the kids in order to appease adult prejudices.

Charles Jenner

Los Alamitos

Instead of allowing a Christian club to meet on campus, the Saddleback Valley Unified School District decided to disallow all groups--except those they deem academically related.


Further, the district states that its decision was in response to a February appellate court ruling on the Fellowship of Christian Athletes suit.

Yet Supt. William Manahan states that this decision does not take issue with the Christian clubs; the decision is in the best interest of the school and the students.

Oh really! Just what is it that is so threatening to these liberals when it comes to voluntary participation in a club that deals with religion?


Bob Franz


Re “Confusing for Children,” June 18:

If the U.S. Supreme Court “has always prohibited any government-sponsored endorsement of religion,” why is Thanksgiving Day a national holiday?

The separation of church and state doesn’t exclude church from state; it prohibits a state-mandated church.

Government should be impartial to religion. That is why the free exercise clause was added to the 1st Amendment.


A club that meets after school hours doesn’t give very young children the clear impression that a public school endorses a particular religion. It shows that religious groups are entitled to equal, not special, access to government buildings.

Lionel De Leon

Garden Grove
