
Local TV News Fell to Cable Company Greed

Re “OCN Falls Victim to the Realities of Cable TV,” July 31:

With a virtual monopoly on cable TV in the county, doesn’t Adelphia owe Orange County’s residents something?

Losing OCN hurts tens of thousands of faithful watchers who want to see something about Huntington Beach instead of Malibu, Anaheim rather than Pasadena, Newport instead of West L.A. Something besides the car-chasing, self-congratulatory entertainment channels in L.A. that masquerade as local news, with their in-jokes, their smirking line reading, their too highly paid, overly made-up and elaborately coiffed emcees who pretend to be news reporters, all the while ignoring Orange County?

Doesn’t Adelphia have any sense of civic obligation to Orange County’s millions of people who faithfully pay their monthly cable bills, residents who are now being shafted by corporate greed?


Willis E. McNelly

Professor Emeritus

Cal State Fullerton
