
Please Federalize Airport Security

Please federalize the airport inspection process. It is likely that the New York World Trade Center destruction and Pentagon attacks by hijacked aircraft could not have occurred if stringent inspection by professionally trained federal officers had taken place. In most countries of the world inspections are done by the government. The inspectors are well trained, follow stringent procedures and have the ability to use deadly force to protect citizens.

S.D. Roe

San Marino


Tuesday’s events sicken me, but even more, they make me so angry. While we don’t know and may never know what happened on board the American and United flights, odds are good that weapons were involved. These nuts either got through security or bypassed it somehow. As a flight attendant for 17 years, I’ve been amazed at how security has become so pathetic. Literally masses of people, most of whom are just greeting or saying goodbye, crowd concourse areas; cars are left parked at curbside; no security/police at the curbside or in the terminals. I say, no ticket, then you stay outside the security area. Replace the minimum-wage contract security companies with the National Guard.

Steven N. Copley

Harbor City


Though mindful of the 1st Amendment’s guarantees, in light of Tuesday’s tragedy isn’t it time we consider restricting the heretofore unfettered access we have allowed to our airlines, airports and airspace? Only “qualified” passengers who have passed a background check should be allowed to board. Certainly this will be inconvenient for us, but clearly drastic measures are necessary.


Albert Hillebrand

Newport Beach
