
Never-Ending Violence in the Middle East

Re “U.S. Jews Cannot Acquiesce to Sharon’s Monstrous Behavior,” Commentary, April 9: How ironic that on the day we remember the murder of 6 million Jews in the Holocaust, Robert Scheer urges us to stand idly by while Jews--including elderly Holocaust survivors--are massacred daily in Israel. By arguing that both sides are morally equivalent, he dangerously confuses the distinction between terrorism and counter-terrorism.

He is right that Judaism calls for healing the world. And as a true liberal, I passionately believe in Judaism’s demand to help the poor, the orphan and the widow. I also believe in Judaism’s pursuit of the truth. Here the truth is indisputable: Israel offered Yasser Arafat a far-reaching peace deal, and Arafat promptly responded with an unrelenting campaign of terror.

Rob Ryman

Los Angeles


It is all too evident that George W. Bush, president of world’s only remaining superpower, has absolutely no control over Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. So how is it that Arafat is expected to control terrorism from his two bombed-out rooms in Ramallah?


Ken Galal

San Francisco


Re “Lawmakers Press Bush to Stand Up for Israel,” April 10: Sen. Dianne Feinstein, et al., may find it politically expedient to pressure the administration to support Israel, but such actions will make Secretary of State Colin Powell’s already difficult task still more difficult, and will probably bolster the perception that Jews in this country are divided in their loyalties.

W.A. Mueller

Sherman Oaks


Arafat supports and praises people who blow themselves up in the midst of innocent men, women and children. Arafat is a terrorist. The world should treat him as such.

Joshua Atlas

Los Angeles
