
Last Chance


Insurrection: Holding History--In its Los Angeles premiere after developmental presentations at Mark Taper Forum New Work Festivals in the mid-’90s, Robert O’Hara’s powerful, provocative “Insurrection: Holding History” stares deep into the darkness of slavery and prejudice--and dares to laugh. This time-bending adventure begins when Great-Great-Grandpa (Wil Bowers) insists that his descendant, Ron (Jeramie Gladman), take him for a ride. As time fragments around them, they find themselves on an 1830s slave plantation, where the weighing of cotton is turned into a game show. In the present day, a white character offhandedly spouts epithets, only to find himself ambushed by hatchet-wielding revolutionaries from Nat Turner’s 1831 slave rebellion.

Daryl H. Miller


Ends Sunday at the McCadden Place Theatre, 1157 N. McCadden Place, Hollywood. (323) 957-1884.

Also closing this weekend:

Sylvia--A.R. Gurney’s comedy about an unusual triangle--a successful businessman, his irritable wife and a beguiling stray dog-- ends Saturday at the Gem Theater/Grove Theater Center, 12852 Main St., Garden Grove, (714) 741-9555.


And Still the Dogs--Brian Cousins’ cautionary tale about an American businessman, tangled in a dangerous liaison with an Eastern European beauty, ends Sunday at the Lillian Theater, 1076 N. Lillian Way, Hollywood, (213) 368-9552.

The Have-Little--Migdalia Cruz’s unvarnished drama about a young Puerto Rican girl’s impoverished life in the Bronx in the 1970s ends Sunday at the Lee Strasberg Creative Center, 7936 Santa Monica Blvd., West Hollywood, (323) 650-7777.
