
‘Offensive’ Symbols Have Other Meanings for Many

Re: “Target Pulls Apparel on Neo-Nazi Allegation” [Aug. 29].

By pulling out apparel with the “88” logo on it, Target is yielding to our society’s insane obsession with political correctness.

To the Chinese people, “88” symbolized great prosperity for centuries before Hitler was born. Hitler also bastardized the swastika, which symbolizes good luck or blessing. Since the swastika has been in use at least since the Bronze Age in Europe and is still much in vogue in Southeast Asia, should we coerce a worldwide ban on its use also?

As America is becoming a multiracial and multicultural society, it will become increasingly impossible to design any symbol or logo which would not offend a small group of people.


Given our current economic outlook, I will take as many “88s” as I can get.

John T. Chiu

Newport Beach
