
Examining the Fed’s Scrutiny of Airlines

So the government thinks the airlines need to be more fiscally responsible before granting their applications for loan guarantees [“Tough Stance Toward Airlines,” Aug. 22]?

And the first target of Treasury Secretary O’Neill is United Airlines’ high labor costs? Where is the compassion? How much would you need to be paid to work as an airline employee? Wouldn’t you try to work for the best-paying employer in your industry?

Instead, why not start at the top and demand top management only be compensated when profitable?


After all, the mismanagement in the past led to current problems, and lack of government security led to Sept. 11, which exacerbated them. In the post-Enron business environment, it would seem prudent to scrutinize those with the keys to the vault, not ask labor for concessions.

Release the money of the people to the people so we can get on with our jobs and our lives.

Jeff Rokos

Huntington Beach
