
Mizerany Responds

I don’t usually make a habit of responding to reviews (it reeks of sour grapes), but Lewis Segal’s blatant condescension and dismissiveness in his review of my newest work, “Edgewalkers,” begs to be addressed (“Mizeranydance a Marvel for Its Moves Alone,” Sept. 2).

I have found that when Segal is truly perplexed by a dance or theater work, he usually responds with overreaching hyperbole and/or not-so-clever one-liners. This was the case in his review of “Edgewalkers.” Though it seems he made no real effort to truly understand the dance work, I must admit, I did find a few of his more constructive criticisms helpful. Yet when the review is laced with such acrimony and insolence, it’s hard to take those criticisms seriously.


North Hollywood
