
Dashing of hope

Three cheers for Daryl H. Miller’s report on “The Producers” (“Hope Springs Eternal,” Dec. 21). I had high hopes for this musical. After all, I loved the movie. Ten minutes into the show, I felt my intelligence assaulted and insulted. Miller was too kind in his review. It was an inexcusable piece of low-class slapstick trash.

My group remained to the end. I left early and took a stroll on Hollywood Boulevard, which was infinitely more entertaining than “The Producers.”

Ned Wolfe



The bias against “The Producers” continues. From your initial review to your year-end summary of disappointments in the piece written by Miller, it is clear that the merits of the Tony Award-winning play are irrelevant to your reviewers.


My wife and I saw the play in New York and Los Angeles. The Los Angeles version is terrific; the stage personalities of Jason Alexander and Martin Short are different from Nathan Lane’s and Matthew Broderick’s but still lend themselves to complete, funny yet poignant performances. The audience reaction in both cities was great. Despite awards, popularity, audience reaction and personal testimony, the reviewers are entitled to differ. My objection is that their difference is so extreme, unsupported and un-rooted in reality.

Michael H. Miller

Los Angeles
