
The Disgraceful Legacy of Strom Thurmond

The death of former Sen. Strom Thurmond (R-S.C.) reminds us that racists have been extraordinarily powerful in our government (obituary, June 27). He fought against civil rights legislation and became the longest-serving senator in our history. As the senior Republican he was at times in the line of succession to become president. Thank you for quoting this disgusting man’s remarks on the “Negro.” The current Senate majority leader described him as a “close friend, confidant and colleague of most of us in this body,” which says a great deal about him and the Senate today. It is too bad that Thurmond’s legacy did not die with him.

Michael Monteon

La Jolla


Thurmond stood for everything that democracy does not stand for -- segregation, racism and fear.

Elie Parker

San Leandro
