
Some Would Write Off a South That Loves GOP

Re Ronald Brownstein’s “In the South, GOP Rides the Wave of Bush’s Popularity,” Nov. 16: I am a pragmatic person. I understand what Brownstein is saying. However, as a true blue-state, big-city liberal, I am tired of having to kowtow politically to the most regressive part of the nation (the South) and defer to its most conservative constituency (white evangelical Christians).

Again, I understand it’s all about numbers (votes and money) -- who has them and who doesn’t. But I consider the analysis of the problem here to be pointing in the wrong direction. The problem isn’t that the moderate and liberal policies of the Democrats do so poorly there; it’s that the retrograde mind-set embraced by the GOP and those voters does so well. As always, the South is an anchor dragging the rest of the country down.

Paul Giorgi

Culver City


Brownstein discusses the loss of the South to the GOP. Good riddance, I say, until the South escapes its disgusting past. As a longtime liberal who grew up in the Depression and got to vote for FDR, I was always embarrassed by most elected representatives from the South, especially the Dixiecrats. The sad thing is that President Bush is a real mumbling Bubba who attracts the worst of what the South remains.


William Blanchard

