
Green grows the memories

RE “A True Giving Tree” [Nov. 24]: Lovely article about lovely avocado trees. I grew up under a Fuerte, though my father did finally cut it down because he couldn’t keep up with the fruit. Fortunately, that was after I was grown and gone.

One word of caution. Personally, I wouldn’t ever let anyone climb an avocado. Along with that of the papaya, the wood is quite brittle and given to sudden limb shedding. The same goes for letting children play underneath one. As to a swing ... ? Gack!

I was a little miffed that you ignored my favorite small tree, the Whitsell. I have one that is now more than 25 years old and has never grown over 7 feet tall nor is it over about 8 feet wide. The fruit is like a green Hass and hangs on the tree like bunches of grapes. Bearing is inconsistent. Some years it has fruit and then for no reason it will skip a year. However, for the home grower, it certainly fits the yard better than any other variety I’ve ever encountered, and the fruit is, indeed, delicious.





AVOCADOS are a curious fruit; you haven’t lived until you have had avocado ice cream (Magnolia brand -- Philippines).

We had a consistent crop here until one year our elderly tree went berserk, producing bushels, which must have burned it out. Since then nothing.

Maybe lack of nutrients, or lack of pollination, or maybe just old age. It has to be 100 years old, although my neighbors on each side each have one that seems to still produce; I’m guessing there was an orchard at one time before our houses were built in the 1920s.



South Pasadena
