
Militants Shell Israelis After Girl’s Death

From Reuters

Palestinian militants shelled Jewish settlements after witnesses accused Israeli troops of killing a girl at a United Nations-run Gaza Strip school, straining a de facto truce.

Noran Deeb, 10, died on a playground at the Rafah refugee camp, but a military spokeswoman said no Israeli forces were involved in a shooting in the area.

The militant groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad launched mortar shells and makeshift rockets at the Gush Katif settlement after the girl’s death but caused no casualties.


Soldiers and militants have often clashed in Rafah, near the border with Egypt, during the 4-year-old Palestinian uprising.

Witnesses said Noran was killed by gunfire from an Israeli army post. A correspondent visiting the schoolyard said it did not appear that the soldiers, about 600 yards away, could have seen into the compound from their position behind high walls.
