
High School Rules Not Made to Be Broken

How encouraging to read Villa Park baseball Coach Scott Luke is instilling one of the great American values in his players -- if you can’t beat ‘em on the field, beat ‘em on a technicality. Yes, Arcadia Coach Sean McCorry exercised poor judgment in being where he was, but Coach Luke’s protest took everything away from the effort of the Arcadia players, who clearly outplayed Villa Park. What a shame.

Brian Ferguson

Diamond Bar

Any sports ruling body that governs by the letter, not the spirit, of a rule is just a sanctimonious, self-serving body with no spirit of justice. Rules have intent, and intent should rule.

Jeff Drobman


I’m sure everyone at Dana Hills High can point with pride to their track coach, Rex Hall, teaching Mission Viejo’s Chelsea Rinderspacher a valuable life lesson. Namely, that no matter how well you perform, there will always be those willing to use the slightest technicality to erase your accomplishments and turn the tide to their own advantage.


How can anyone say that our public schools aren’t preparing students for the real world?

Jim Healy

