
The Prom Isn’t What It Used to Be

Re “To Get a Yes for Prom Date, Say No to Simply Asking,” May 25: It wasn’t long ago when some guy picked up his prom date in a limousine and started a whole new trend. In only a few years, the whole country was going to the prom in a limousine. Now we read that you can’t just ask a girl or a guy to a prom, you have to have some kind of production included in this simple romantic procedure.

Next thing you know, parents will be sending invitations, renting halls and caterers just to have their nearest and dearest see their child being picked up and hoping that all the money they have spent will fulfill their egocentric dreams.

Too bad all the energy and funds aren’t put to some good use, letting prom night go back to just a good fun time instead of who can outdo the other.


Ann Phelan/Levy

Rancho Mirage
