
Fine points

Jeff Danziger's editorial cartoons appear in The Times and other newspapers. Joel Pett is on vacation.

Cartoonists love a target-rich environment. Last month, we all enjoyed Vice President Fudd, and then we discovered that Dubai was taking over the free world. By last week, it was time for a subtler approach. Not what cartoons are especially good at; certainly not when the prevailing standard of humor in this country these days is obvious stupidity.

Clay Bennett predicted that South Dakota’s ban on all abortions would end up at the Supreme Court’s front door. Pat Oliphant graphically flattened the petroleum industry. Ben Sargent edged toward the realization that President Bush’s setbacks are having a transcendental effect on his personality. And Tom Toles said the Republicans are falling out of love. Whatever love has to do with it.

Smaller news items, longer views. Just shows you that, in between the crazy times, even cartoonists can act like mature intellectuals. Well, for a week anyway.


*Jeff Danziger
