
Farewell to Dorrell

The reason for Karl Dorrell’s firing was right on the front of Tuesday’s sports page. You recounted his yearly record, which shows that the Bruins lost six games in four of his five seasons. If you take away the 10-2 season of 2005, the Bruins’ record was .500 under Dorrell.

Arnold Lester



I have come to this conclusion after watching Karl Dorrell pace the UCLA sidelines over the last five seasons. His calling may not be as a head coach on the college level. Yet, any NFL or big-time college program in need of a top-flight special-teams coach, hire this man. Has any “head coach” ever been so fired up and decisive yelling “punt” or “field goal?”

Tim Curry

Los Angeles


If DeWayne Walker isn’t the head coach at UCLA next session, then Dan Guerrero is a Trojan.


Chuck Crawford

San Diego


Dan Guerrero should be fired for his hiring of an inexperienced coach and giving Dorrell a large contract with a big buyout. Dorrell was never qualified to coach at a major program, and Guerrero kowtowed to the pressure and made it worse with a big contract. Though Guerrero will say the buyout is from the athletic department’s revenue, as long as taxpayers subsidize the university, it is indeed our money he is playing with.

Riley Perry

Los Angeles


Karl Dorrell is a class act and I’m sure he is a nice man, but he had five years to get it done and didn’t succeed. A $2-million buyout should soften the blow, and I’m sure a job is awaiting him as a sports analyst on one of the sports channels. As Steve Lavin has shown, you don’t need to know anything about the sport to work as a TV analyst.

Jim Olsen

Huntington Beach


T.J. Simers’ remorse over the firing of Karl Dorrell is a sharp contrast to his unrelenting bashing of the former UCLA coach that helped fuel the sentiment against him. Simers, who still has his job, perhaps could give the new head coach a chance before giving him a nickname and negative press that are difficult to recover from.


Don Geller

