
Some hear echoes of war drums

Re “U.S. makes case that Iran arms flow into Iraq,” Feb. 12

According to government announcements coming out almost daily, Iran is aiding the Iraqi insurgency with operatives and weapons. We are being supplied this new information by the same people who told us that Iraq collaborated with Al Qaeda for the 9/11 terrorist attacks, that Iraq was loaded with weapons of mass destruction and that Iraq was seeking nuclear weapons. Four years ago, while these officials were disseminating this much-needed heads-up about Iraq, they were also telling us that no final decision had been made about attacking Iraq. Interestingly, now they are assuring the world that there are no plans to attack Iran. I am as grateful for the factual information we are getting now as I was with the factual information then.


Granite Falls, Wash.


Some say a sign of madness is to keep on doing the same thing and expect a changed result. As our president prepares to send more troops to Iraq and possibly to attack Iran, we are witnessing madness. The troops I know in Iraq are demoralized because they don’t see a solution. It is hard to imagine how the Mideast situation could get worse, but it looks as if Bush might be finding a way to make it so.


Corona del Mar


Re “Iran reformists want U.S. to tone it down,” Feb. 11

Pop quiz question -- name the failed president most in need of conflict with a foreign boogeyman: (a) Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (b) George W. Bush or (c) both of the above.



Van Nuys


Re “U.N. nuclear agency plans to cancel some aid to Iran,” Feb. 10

Just because the U.S. has not declared war on Iran doesn’t mean Iran has not declared war on us. It is not a coincidence that the U.N. nuclear agency now refuses to further aid Iran’s development of nuclear power, because it is obvious that this country is using U.N. technology and aid to make nuclear weapons. If the U.S. allows itself to be suckered by Iran’s shell game of hiding its true intentions, then our troops in Iraq should soon expect to be decimated by Iranian-made “dirty bombs.”


